My path to achieve the greatest Linux desktop ever or… random IT stuff

Archive for October, 2011

Rebooting and Shutting Down on Openbox

Probably the biggest setback for me when I changed to Openbox was the lack of Power Off Commands such as Shutting Down and Rebooting (and suspending as well but I haven’t really solved that one yet). So I’ll share how I solved the problem in my case.

Edit: Suspend and Hibernate added ^^

Edit 2: code changed by wordpress so the original is here.


Alt-F2 on Openbox


So, many of you are probably used to the usefulness of the Alt-F2 command in Gnome (and in KDE too I believe) which runs a sort of popup terminal and may be sad to find out it doesn’t exist natively on Openbox. However, it’s pretty easy to have it, so let’s see.


Knowing system info on Arch Linux


I’ve always been controling my system information through conky because I’ve configured it to tell me basically all I want to know. However there are alternatives to conky if it’s a punctual thing.

I use archey (available on aur: yaourt -S archey ) and it really sums things up in a beautiful way. There are other programs out there which share the same function as archey, like alsi (for example) and others.

So, that’s it. Any questions, feel free to ask ^^

Getting rid of ugly windows in Openbox – part 1 (Gtk 3.0)

My nautilus in Openbox

If you’ve just installed Openbox you’ll notice the ugly windows (Windows 95 like -.-) and such.

Well there’s a *simple* solution for that (well a set of them).

For starters, I use nautilus as a file manager and it’s based on Gtk 3.0. There isn’t really anything out there to edit Gtk 3.0 settings (at least that I know of) so I’ve searched and finally found a solution.


Changing Wallpaper on Openbox

My desktop’s new look ^^

So, as I was changing wallpapers I realized I never posted anything about it. In Openbox, there isn’t really a manager that does that for us (like in Gnome, KDE or XFCE, …) so I use feh. It’s light, easy and it works fine. Only thing is – it’s via terminal.

But it’s really easy to use. Let’s see…


Colorful Shine ~ complete

An example of how a page looks like

So, I’m finally done with this template (I may improve it somehow, if I do that, I’ll update it with a new post).

You may download it here – it’s got the fonts inside the folder so you don’t have to search for them.

If you need anything, just ask :)

Linux Audio Editing ~ Ardour and Audacity

Ardour on elementary OS

Audacity running on Arch/ Gnome 3

So… as you may know (or not) I’m a lead singer in a metal band, and I’m also in charge of recording and editing our rehearsals every week.

I usually use Audacity but yesterday I got mad at it – I was trying to record my voice on top of an instrumental of one of our songs but each time Audacity would tell me the time wasn’t synched due to latency (something along those lines) and wouldn’t let me do it. When I got a way around it, don’t really know how, it’d only record like… 1~2 seconds of my voice and then it’d stop automatically and wouldn’t keep going x.x

So I decided to look for alternatives and found the beautiful Ardour. I just can’t get it to start on Arch (probably due to JACK and not really ardour – still trying to figure this whole thing out) so I tested it on elementary OS.

I haven’t really tried it out yet so I don’t know its full potencial but I must say it feels kind of incomplete compared to Audacity as far as editing goes (but it could just be because I haven’t found everything and haven’t really worked with the tools).

A down side for Ardour it’s also its incapacity to import and/or export mp3 files. That’s a big down for me but I figure I can easily solve it with Audacity.

All in all they complete each other and I think I’m going to work with them both – Ardour for recording and synching tracks and Audacity for editing and exporting mp3 files.

LibreOffice Impress colorful template

An idea of how the template looks like

So, as I was thinking of better ways to make presentations to impress my college buddies (and the teachers as well), I remembered that I made my own template last year in Anatomy and I liked it very much. So I decided to do the same again this year – creating my own template (this time with far more work put into it).

To be honest, I only made what you see in the image above – haven’t thought of how the rest of the presentation will be. Still, it’s a start that I wanted to share with all of you.

I’ll leave the xcf file here so you can edit the image in GIMP and maybe do a derivation of this.

Font was downloaded off of Google Web Fonts and it’s called “gruppo”